Co.starters+ at STartup columbus

Moving entrepreneurs from idea to action.

CO.STARTERS+ at StartUP Columbus is a program comprised of two parts–A 12-week, cohort-based program that will equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn ideas into action and turn a passion into a sustainable and thriving endeavor.

Our next cohort begins on August 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM!


Who’s It For?

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned entrepreneur looking to launch a new product or service, CO.STARTERS+ is for you. The only real prerequisites are:

  1. Having a for-profit idea you’re ready, willing, and excited to share and pursue.

  2. A willingness to study, shape and fine-tune that idea in a supportive, collaborative, and welcoming environment. If you’re creative and community-minded, and you’re serious about turning your passion into a sustainable business, we want you.

How Does it Work?

Drawing from the experience of successful entrepreneurs and startup veterans from around the globe, CO.STARTERS+ at StartUP Columbus walks creative small business owners through effective business modeling methods in a simple and intuitive way, and with the help of a supportive community. Rather than treating a startup like a large corporation and writing a detailed business plan, CO.STARTERS+ participants are encouraged to build and test small models first. In the process, participants receive real-time customer feedback, update their models to meet customer needs and avoid creating businesses based on incorrect assumptions.

What to Expect

During CO.STARTERS+ at StartUP Columbus, you are not being lectured. This is an action-driven, collaborative process with a small and supportive group of like-minded people. Led by a facilitator who is an experienced entrepreneur, you’ll identify your assumptions about why and how your businesses will work and then talk to customers in order to validate your ideas. This approach enables you to rapidly uncover flaws in your concept and find viable models more quickly. You’ll leave the program with a deeper understanding of how to create a sustainable business, articulate your model, and repeat the process with your next great idea.


During CO.STARTERS+ at StartUP Columbus, you’ll develop and fine-tune your idea, critically examining every part of it and tweaking your next steps through real-time feedback from people in the community. Over the 12 weeks, we’ll cover the following topics.

  • Week 1: Knowing Yourself (Assumptions, Working Styles, Team Building, Obstacles)

  • Week 2: Knowing Your Customer (Customer, Problem, Alternatives, Idea Testing)

  • Week 3: Finding the Right Solution (Solution, Benefit, Advantage, Starting Small, Brand Identity)

  • Week 4: Business Tech and Cyber Security Workshop

  • Week 5: Building Blocks (Distribution, Revenue, Typical Offering, Price)

  • Week 6: Structures and Systems (Legal & Accounting Considerations)

  • Week 7: Discovering the Bottom Line (Startup & Ongoing Needs, Fixed & Variable Costs, Break-Even Point)

  • Week 8: Financial Modeling (Break-Even Point, Sales Projections, Cash Flow, Raising Capital)

  • Week 9: Planning for Growth (Growth Plans, Goal Setting, Celebration Prep

  • Week 10: Quickbooks Training

  • Week 11: Pitch Practice

  • Week 12: CO.STARTERS+ Graduation Celebration!

Course Details


CO.STARTERS+ at StartUP Columbus lasts 12 weeks, meeting one day a week for three hours. Facilitators include mentors and active entrepreneurs, and guest speakers include specialists and professionals from Columbus’ leading marketing, branding, legal, and finance firms and agencies, as well as local entrepreneurs. After completion of the 12-week curriculum, participants will receive the full certification.


StartUP Columbus offers the opportunity for a portion of fees to be covered by scholarship funding to applicants who qualify. The remaining balance is due before the first session.


The total course fee for our CO.STARTERS+ Program is $1,000, which includes course materials, a StartUP Columbus Incubator Membership, mentors to address your business development needs, and access to community events, networking opportunities, & small business resources. All class participants will be added to StartUP Columbus’ network of startups for up-to-date access to new resources. Please note: Scholarships are available to those who qualify.

Program Dates:

Our next cohort begins on August 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM!


The cohort will be held at StartUP Columbus Incubator. 1190 Front Avenue, Columbus, Georgia 31901. Entrance on Front Avenue.


Application Guidelines

Whether you’re an owner of an existing business, or you are simply exploring a start-up concept, we encourage you to apply. You will need a well-articulated description of the product or service you offer (or plan on offering) and a description of your consumer, client, or target audience. We’re seeking for-profit entrepreneurs that represent a diverse range of sectors and backgrounds, in order to establish a cohort that incorporates both established businesses and startup concepts. We screen our applicants, and space is limited. Once you apply, a thank you message will appear. Acceptance emails are sent on a rolling basis once we are closer to the start of the program. Applications close July 31, 2024.

Deposit and Registration

There is no application fee. Payment is due prior to start of program or prior to week one seven (7) days. If payment has not been received seven (7) days prior to the start of the course, your position in the program could be given to other applicants.


StartUP Columbus is a part of the CO.STARTERS® network.
Learn more at